Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Message

Every December, despite its reflection of an era with a much different definition of “equality,” I watch the 1954 movie “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye (music by Irving Berlin). In a nutshell, the boys put on a Christmas show bringing their old Army unit to Vermont to surprise their former commanding officer (now a struggling innkeeper – played by Dean Jagger). The look on Major General Tom Waverly’s face when he sees the men from the 151st Division gathered to honor him gets me every time.

Maybe it is an idealistic (okay, schmaltzy) ending, but it touches a universal chord: people want to know they matter – that their lives make a difference.

That's not a message we tend to hear—or give—very often. Yet we may feel we do – especially at this time of year with holiday gatherings of employees, offering "thanks - good year - good job" comments. We offer lots of head-talk, not heart-talk. Most employees are longing to be inspired, not just thanked; to hear about the leader's vision and how they are the ones who are going to make it happen. They want to know that their work matters – that what they are doing is valued and makes a difference.

But we stay safe by staying aloof, and don’t often take the time to reflect and consider what people want to hear. We don’t ask ourselves what’s going to get them juiced, what will they remember 10 minutes after the party ends? As a result, we miss invaluable opportunities.

Benjamin Franklin said, "If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect." In other words, connect emotionally.

BusinessWeek columnist Carmine Gallo challenges leaders to articulate an emotional, concise vision in 10 words or less – it must pass the napkin test, meaning when written out, it can fit entirely on the back of a napkin. The key is to make your vision consistent and repeatable. Then do it – repeat it constantly. Let folks know they matter ... that their work is making a difference in achieving that vision.
Especially at holiday parties.